This time (before I tried your tips), Safe Mode did nothing at all, while the regular app actually showed me the intro icons and movie! But then nothing afterwards.
Neverwinter nights platinum edition patch upgrade#
After my last post, I decided to spend the 6+ hours it took to upgrade from 10.7.5 to 10.8.3, and indeed, there were some differences. But for the part below, nowhere in Program Files (or any of the other folders in the C: Drive) do I find GOG.com, Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition, or the ever elusive nwn.ini. Sevae, I was able to do everything in regedit you suggested. Might have to try NWN2 Complete (played only the original campaign years ago), or perhaps BG2 Complete there's a great sale on D&D games over at GOG this weekend.

(My string is "VideoMemorySize1024" w/ no spaces, if that matters or helps). I tried the "regedit" fix, and that didn't help, unless I misunderstood it. Can't get past that to do much of anything. In the non-Safe Mode version, I get the common black screen (audio only), or sometimes, a white screen (audio only). But when the audio has stopped and you have control of your mouse cursor, the game has not actually loaded anything beyond the loading screen. I get the introductory audio while the loading screen does its thing. Using that, I can create a character and then pick which of the 3 campaigns I want to try. In the NWN folder, I have 2 applications for the game 1 is Safe Mode. After playing PS: Torment and Icewind Dale 2 near flawlessly w/ Crossover, I ran into the OP's issue w/ NWN (the GOG version is the "Diamond" edition, I don't know if that matters it's the 2 expansion packs I wanted as I've played the original game years ago on the Mac).